

Travel into Colorado:

Fly into Denver International Airport (Airport Code DEN). Typically any flight out of Newark (Airport Code EWR) or Philidelphia (Airport Code PHL) under $300 is a good deal. Check Expedia and Southwest Airlines for the cheapest flights.

Travel from Denver to Breckenridge:

Ground transportation from the airport to Breckenridge can be arranged through the Colorado Mountain Express (CME) or through a number of rental car facilities. The drive up to Breckenridge is extremly scenic and we would recommend making the trip during the day.

Lodging in Breckenridge:

We have a room block setup at The Lodge and Spa at Breckenridge. Call The Lodge and mention Camille or Jeffs name to get the room block rate. The wedding and reception are being held nextdoor to The Lodge.

Travel around Breckenridge:

Transportation around Breckenridge and Summit County is easy and free with the Summit Stage.

Colorado Tips:

Breckenridge is 9,600 ft above sea level and the Lodge is 10,000 ft. Please remember to stay hydrated and allow your body time to acclimate. Also, remember one alcholic beverage is like two.